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In this post I'll be talking about a new product that just released by Benton. As you can see on the title, I'll be reviewing the 1st Benton's sun cream. I was one those of lucky tester that get a chance to try this sun cream faster than you guys hehe . This sun cream contained Papaya Fruit Water and Papaya Seed Oil. Well, I was like OMG, a sun cream that contained papaya as their ingredients? I never heard any of that but that looks interesting to try. ABOUT BENTON ‘Benton’ is inspired by and named after the movie’ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ in which Benjamin Button grows younger with time. In the movie, Benjamin has no choice but to leave his love, Daisy as he becomes younger. What if Daisy could also turn back time on her physical appearance, wouldn’t she be happier? It may just be a fictional movie, but wouldn’t most people have the same desire to be young again? Benton desires to restore your skin back to its original, healthy condition w


Hi semuanya!!

Di post kali ini gua bakal sharing ke kalian apa aja yang gua dapet pas ke acara TBS x Female Daily pas tgl 25 maret kemarin.
Jadi pas tgl 20an maret gt dapet invitation via email sama Female Daily gara2 gua apply di website nya female daily buat daftar acara ini dan gua dapet invitationnya. Terus pas juga tgl 25 maret itu ulang tahun gua yey

Awalnya cuma tau kalo acara ini bakal pure talkshow yang ngomongin tentang sensitive skin soalnya ada pakar2 dari female daily dan ada dokter kulit juga. Ternyata pas dateng ke acara, ada produk tbs bertaburan dan varian itu gua juga gapernah liat di store. Wow i attended such a event.

Kita dikenalin sama produk terbarunya the body shop which is katanya bagus banget buat kulit yang sensitif. Nama produk barunya itu Almond Milk and Honey.

Dari awal nyobain variannya, ud fall in love banget sama lotionnya. Teksturnya ringan, ga lengket, tp ga terlalu ringan kaya encer like nivea body serum, teksturnya pas, aromanya juga pas, gua suka banget tuh aroma2 milk dan honeynya walaupun sebenernya itu susu kacang almond tp gua lebih merasa lebih dominan wewangian honeynya lebih ketara.

Pas udah mulai acaranya, si dokternya ngejelasin ke kita tentang jenis jenis kulit, gimana cara merawat kulit sensitif and so on.

Kita diajak untuk menghias diy storage dari kemasan kosong body butternya tbs. 

Step2nya ternyata gampang loh

Kita juga dapet goodie bag dari tbs yang isinya jengjengjeng.....

Isinya ada shower cream sama hand cream varian Almond Milk and Honey 💕💕💕

Oh ya, varian Almond Milk and Honey bisa kalian temuin di store The Body Shop mulai dari tanggal 30 Maret 2017. 

Thank you TBS and Female Daily for inviting me to this event. Sukses terus ya THE BODY SHOP INDONESIA DAN FEMALE DAILY 💕💕💕💕


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